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励起子に関する論文が"Advances in Condensed Matter Physics" に掲載 (曽我部研D2 斯波 廣大君)

曽我部東馬准教授 研究室所属の D2 斯波 廣大君が筆頭で、曽我部東馬准教授、山口浩一教授らの励起子に関する共著論文“Quantum Dot Phase Transition Simulation with Hybrid Quantum Annealing via Metropolis-Adjusted Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics”がHindawi社の"Advances in Condensed Matter Physics" に掲載されました。

“Quantum Dot Phase Transition Simulation with Hybrid Quantum Annealing via Metropolis-Adjusted Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics” Shiba Kodai,1 Ryo Sugiyama,1 Koichi Yamaguchi,1,2 and Tomah Sogabe

1Department of Engineering Science, The University of Electro-Communications,

2I-Powered Energy System Research Center, The University of Electro-Communications,


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